Saint-Esprit Paraclet
20012 Williams Highway
Father Georges Phillip YOUNG
Home : (00) 1 541 846 69 35
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Apology for western orthodoxy
Apology for western orthodoxy Vladimir Lossky In 1925, Eugraph Kovalevsky, the future Bishop Jean of Saint-Denis, founded with his brothers and some friends the » Confraternity of Saint Photius, » the goal of which was to work toward the independence and the universality of orthodoxy. Here is its…
Some Notes on the History and Liturgical Practice of the Orthodox Church of France
Some Notes on the History and Liturgical Practice of the Orthodox Church of France Fr. Francis DesMarais Among the many attempts to re-establish a truly Western Orthodox ecclesial witness in the countries whose churches were influenced by, and attached to, the Church of Rome prior to the schism b…
Homily of Pascha The Resurrection – Source of our Liberty CHRIST IS RISEN ! VERILY, HE IS RISEN ! In the Resurrection of Christ we celebrate with joy the holy Pascha, the Passover (passage) from death to new life. It is the Pascha of Liberation, for Christ has liberated the Nations. It is the d…
SACRAMENTS Majorities Sacraments – or Mysteries – are to the station of the life of the Church. They reset the man created to the image of God and support it to get) Its resemblance, become – » god by the Grace » -. The main sacraments are: the baptism, the chrismation, the eucharistie, the pena…
DOGMAS Dogmas antinomiques proclaimed during the large councils oecuméniques to struggle against heresies are not truths to believe, but in experiment. Based on the Disclosure, they express the reality divino – human and guide the human being to the contemplation of That that appears. They make …
Towards an ecclesiology for the west
TOWARDS AN ECCLESIOLOGY FOR THE WEST Germain, Bishop of Saint Denis Translated from the French by Sithuraj Ponraj, JCD Editor’s Note Every Christian has the need for a space that is spiritual, sacramental and linked strongly to apostolic Tradition that will allow him to worship the Divine Trinity…
The Frequent Communion
THE FREQUENT COMMUNION Mgr John, bishop of Saint-Denis The frequent communion, same daily, is true to the teaching of Fathers of the Church and to the Holyed « Canons »… The primitive Church, as well as the majority of Fathers of the Church, called believers to the same and frequent communion dai…